Enterprise SAN Switch Summary

SAN Switches allow connectivity between hosts and storage arrays. VSI provides reports that help you manage these switches by helping you track the switches themselves along with the number of ports on the switch, which among those ports are licensed for use, and among those, which are actually used. We also track performance and error rates on those ports. These data are summarized on the Enterprise San Switch Summary. As with most enterprise summary reports, this report has three sections. At the top is the dashboard with four gauges:

  • Alerts shows the alerts on the switch

  • Errors reports the errors on the switch

  • Online shows switches that are online or offline

  • Performance shows a performance rating for the switch.

Beneath the dashboard is a set of statistics formatted as an At-a-Glance display:

  • Switches shows the number of switches in the enterprise

  • Total Ports will show the total number of ports available on all switches

  • Licensed Ports will show the number of ports which are licensed for use

  • Unlicensed will show the number of ports which are not licensed for use

  • Used Ports will show the number of ports currently in use

  • Unused Licensed Ports will show the number of ports you have licensed but are not using

  • Ports with Errors will show the number of ports with errors

At the bottom of the report is a customizable data grid containing the same data listed out by switch. As usual, you can double click any of the switches in the grid to see the detailed reports specific to that switch.


What It Means

Switch Name

The name of the switch

Total Ports

The total number of ports available on that switch

Licensed Ports

The total number of licensed ports on that switch

Unlicensed Ports

The total number of unlicensed ports on that switch

Used Ports

The total ports in use on that switch

Unused Licensed Ports

The total ports licensed but not in use. You paid for them. You should use them.

Ports with Errors

The number of ports reporting errors

Collection Date

The date the data were collected
