VSI 5 User Documentation : Enterprise Host Summary

The Enterprise Host Summary gives you a bird’s eye view of the host infrastructure for your overall enterprise. The report has two sections. The At-a-Glance section at the top gives you some vital statistics about your hosts and their associated connected storage. The customizable data grid beneath the At-a-Glance section gives you a list of all hosts in your enterprise. This can be a pretty long list, so don’t forget to use the search, sort, filter, and group functions on our customizable data grid to find just the data you need.

The data grid is also used to drill down to individual hosts. You can double click any line in the grid and be taken directly to a set of reports focusing on just that host.


What It Means

Host Name

The name of the host


Displays whether the host is physical or virtual

Host OS

If reported, this fields shows the operating system running on the host

Device Name

The name of the array connected to the host

Connected Switches

Reserved for future use, this field shows the name of the switch connected to the host.

LUN Size

Shows the size of the Logical Unit Number (LUN)


The amount of space used

LUNs Attached

The number of LUNs attached


The average Input / Output Operations per Second

Read Latency

Measures the average speed in milliseconds of the read operations from connected storage